Develop – Customize -Integrate

We bring support at every stage of your expansion

Global to local

Latin America is not a unified region, every country has its unique rules



Customize the software’s UI and UX to align with the language, culture, and preferences of the target country. Translate text, adapt date/time formats, currency symbols, and address cultural nuances.



Ensure software complies with local laws, regulations, and data protection requirements. Familiarize yourself with privacy laws, data localization, and industry-specific regulations.


​​Taxation and Accounting

Customize software to support target country’s tax rules, calculations, and reporting formats. Integrate with local tax systems, handle VAT/GST calculations, and generate compliant financial reports.


​​User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

Conduct thorough UAT specific to the target country. Test language support, regulatory compliance, payment processing, and country-specific features.


and Scalability

Design software architecture for internationalization and future scalability. Consider language packs, regional settings, and flexible database structures.


​​Payment Gateways
and Methods

Integrate widely-used payment gateways in the target country. Support local payment methods like credit cards, bank transfers, mobile wallets, or country-specific systems.


​​Address Formats
and Regional Variations

Modify address fields and rules to accommodate target country’s formats, postal codes, and regional variations. Ensure accurate address validation and enhance user experience.


Compliance with Local APIs and Standards

Integrate with local APIs or industry standards commonly used in the target country. This includes financial APIs, government APIs, and industry-specific standards.


​​Localization of Data
and Hosting

Address data hosting requirements and comply with local data protection laws. Adhere to data residency rules and ensure data security and privacy.


​​Local Partnerships
and Integrations

Collaborate with local partners to address country-specific integration needs. Integrate with local ERP systems, CRMs, or commonly used software.

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