Case studies
When was the last time you reviewed your global financial costs and calculated your cost of opportunities in Latin America ? We know how to benchmark your settings. Quick cash-in savings in areas such as bank and financial providers fees but also financial taxes, working capital, liquidity placements, financings and risks hedging.
Through our Latin American expertise we can benchmark your financial and treasury controls. We craft tailored finance and treasury policies, enhance task segregation, approvals, and processes. We execute precise treasury audits and seamless post-audit implementation. We also develop comprehensive credit management frameworks with limits, approval processes, and guidelines for optimal performance.
With our local expertise, we can assess the current state, define objectives and priorities, develop action plans, and monitor and measure progresses. We can take the opportunity of asset perimeter changes such as mergers or acquisitions to initiate a transformation project, but also in the context of internal centralisation projects such as shared service centres..